Pack Info
Pack 95 Mission Statement
Pack 95 believes in partnering with families to help lead young boys and girls into adulthood by teaching them to honor God in all they do, view others as more important than oneself, to sacrificially serve others at all times, and to become leaders who reject passivity, esteem others, accept responsibility, and lead courageously.
Chartered Organization
Cub Scout Pack 95 has been a chartered organization of Benbrook United Methodist Church for over 50 years. Pack meetings are every 3rd Thursday of the month. The Pack uses the facilities of Benbrook United Methodist Church to conduct the Scouting program. We are deeply grateful to Benbrook United Methodist Church for its support and efforts that allow Pack 95 to operate.
Benbrook United Methodist Church
1122 Bryant St
Benbrook, TX 76126
General Information
This pack abides by a "SAFE HAVEN" policy. A safe haven is a place where everyone should feel physically and emotionally secure. We do this in several ways:
We set the example for ourselves and others by behaving as Scouts should. We live by the Scout Oath and Law each moment of each day, to the best of our abilities.
We refuse to tolerate any kind of inappropriate put-down, name-calling or physical aggression.
We expect the Scouts to live up to the standards of the Scout Oath, Scout Law, and Outdoor Code
When a new Scout enters into Pack 95 there are always a number of questions as to what needs to be accomplished and when. In order for you to best understand the necessary steps please refer to the following list.
Cub Scout Application - fill out and give to the Advancement Chairman with proper fees listed below.
*$105 per year due each September.
Scouting Dues are broken down into 3 things:
1) $75 per scout goes to the National Council (this includes insurance)
2) $30 per scout is kept by Pack 95 to pay for awards, pinewood derby kits, slide/neckerchief when the scouts “bridge” to the next den, etc.
*3) Some dens collect a few dollars per month to cover things used for the weekly den meetings.
As of January 2020 there is a one time $25 joining fee for NEW scouts (this goes to the National Council).
Boys’ Life Magazine subscription (option) – $12
Parent Participation
In the Pack
New Parents are invited to join the committee. Experience is not necessary. You may just want to sit in and hear what the committee discusses. See the calendar for dates.
Scouts should wear their uniforms to every Pack 95 event, unless otherwise instructed. The full Class A uniform (including neckerchief and slide) is required for all formal, District, and Council events. The standard Pack meeting uniform is Class A uniform without the neckerchief and slide. The Class B is the preferred uniform when traveling as a Pack. All non-Pack specific items can be purchased from the Fort Worth Scout Shop 5344 Trail Lake Dr, Fort Worth, TX 76133.